Friday, October 14, 2022

The Currency Evolution Compete To Mine Should Begin With Cryptocurrency

The Currency Evolution Compete To Mine Should Begin With Cryptocurrency

Life would be boring without competition.

The most fair way to distribute currency, money to the society must be via public competition where all people have equal chance to obtain it.

That brave new ideology cannot happen with local national money that issued by the authority government.
But it can easily happen in the online cyber world and the international global affair between nations.

If cryptocurrency that people can using computer machine to mine the “money, coin” can have market cap of trillions dollar and still exist till today, then there is a big chance for new cryptocurrency version that will distribute coin via public fair competition instead of stupid mining.

When using computer machine to mine “coin, money, currency”, the drawback is that waste of energy and only people who have some experience in technology industry can obtain it.

What if you have a new cryptocurrency version that allow all people can mine/obtain via fair public competition such as uploading a picture, video, ebook, etc. ?!
Then all people who have any smartphone or computer can compete equally, thus will increase the trust and fairness of a cryptocurrency.

An example competition:
– Whoever is a trillionaire of any currency of old bank notes will receive 1 million coin.
– Or you can have a competition that for every 1 or 10 or 100 trillion of old bank notes will exchange for 1 million new coin.

So that all people who have that bank notes which meet the requirement of competition will able to exchange it and obtain the new cryptocurrency coin/money.

The job left is ask technology company to add that new compete to mine cryptocurrency as an additional payment method so people will able to using it.

Here is just brief theory, while the technology can be done easily with more privacy, more personal, more safety, etc.

That is the raw idea of new currency compete-to-mine that I believe will go viral and will get accept by the entire society, not only in the cyber online world but also in the physical world as well.

Since I am not get paid to design the new system or any specific policy so I don’t waste more time to craft more information about my vision of a future fair currency in the society, but just want to share some insight for whoever work to make fairer better society for the people.

Best Regard,
The Savior Is You

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